Our top tips for Grant Round applicants
So you have a brilliant research idea – what next? We asked the experts on our Scientific Advisory Committee to share their top tips to help you craft a compelling application.
Thinking of applying to our next Grant Round?
These tips should help you turn your research idea into a compelling application. We look forward to receiving your application and hearing more about your bright idea. We are keeping our fingers crossed for our future Curestarter researchers!
This year I really enjoyed applications that were really great, original ideas - not only because the idea is original but also because the methods that they use are really new and are important for going into the details of fixing the problems.

Tip One:
A previous grant holder himself, Professor David Withers number one piece of advice is to stick to one simple idea. Take that idea as far as you can, while being realistic about what you can achieve with your collaborators in a two to three year project.
And a key piece of advice from Dr Sheeba Irshad is to remember that not everyone reviewing your idea will be an expert in that area - you need your explanation of your idea to tell a story if you want a champion in the room!
Tip Two:
A strong application also has a strong team of collaborators. Strengthen your application by seeking out collaborators with the best expertise in the methods your project requires, and show that by working together you can tackle the problem.
We believe that science has no boundaries and that innovative ideas can come from anywhere - we encourage applications from international teams.

It's important to have a good team - having the right collaboration is really important if you are going to deliver what you say you want to.

Tip Three:
Back up your ideas with strong preliminary data. This shows the committee that you know what you are talking about and that your ideas is feasible.
If there is high risk associated with an early stage of the project, make it clear what your back-up plan is and how the project can continue. Strong preliminary data can show that your idea is less likely to fail early on and is great evidence for the committee to support your project.
Tip Four:
Dr Huarte and Dr French both recommend taking time to think through your application. Is it well-structured, taking the reader on a logical path through your ideas? Is the language you use clear and concise?
Our Scientific Advisory Committee read dozens of applications and are not necessarily experts in your specific field so, to make your project stand out, make it easier for them to read and understand.
There needs to be plenty of preliminary work that shows that you know what you're talking about, and that the application is sound in the way that you can accomplish the goals that you have set out.

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Our funding criteria
Your application for funding must meet the remit of our Research Strategy and the criteria for funding set out in our application handbook.
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Our application process
Learn more about our annual funding application process at Worldwide Cancer Research and how to apply for ground-breaking cancer research funding.