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Could AI cure cancer?

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is everywhere. It looks set to fundamentally change all aspects of our lives - including how we cure cancer. And while AI won't be able to eradicate cancer altogether, it will certainly help researchers and doctors save more lives from cancer than ever before. But how? Find out here.

30 pioneering new projects backed by Curestarters in 2024!

We are proud to support 30 innovative and exciting new ideas around the world in 2024. From the support of our amazing Curestarters we were able to spend £6.3 million on creative cancer research. All of these 30 ideas have enormous potential to lead to new cancer cures.

Cancer explained

What do we still not know about breast cancer?

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in the world. We all have breast tissue, so it can affect anybody, but it is most common in women. Thanks to research, more people are surviving breast cancer than ever before, but it is still the leading cause of cancer death in under 50s and there are still far too many lives being cut short by the disease. Our researchers are asking the challenging questions that need answers to start new cures for breast cancer and help save lives, everywhere. Find out more.

Cancer explained

Why is oesophageal cancer so hard to cure?

Advanced oesophageal cancer can be aggressive and hard to cure. But why is it so hard to treat? And how is discovery research providing hope for new cures? Find out more.

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