Annual Reviews & Accounts

Download the latest reviews and accounts

The outcome of the cancer research we fund today is the change we all need to see in the fight against cancer tomorrow. The Annual Review is all about the change we have made happen over the last 12 months from funding the latest innovative research, to the impact we are now making.

Annual Review for 2022 - digital version

Check out the new browser friendly online version of our latest report. Or use the link below for a PDF version.

Annual Review

2022 Annual Review

We start cures for cancer - download a PDF copy of our latest annual review.


Annual Accounts

Annual Accounts 2023

Click the link below to view a PDF copy.


Cancer cures started by you

Read our latest Impact Report, a testament to the power of your kindness and generosity, and the difference it can make to people affected by cancer around the world. Packed full with stand-out research stories from the last 15 years, these discoveries will help answer some of the biggest questions we have about cancer and how to prevent, diagnose, and treat it.

By being a Curestarter today, you are helping bring forward the cancer breakthroughs of tomorrow - thank you. 

Read our latest Impact Report

Read our latest Impact Report. Packed full with stand-out research stories from the last 15 years, it's a testament to the power of your kindness and generosity, and the difference it can make to people affected by cancer around the world.


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