
Could a new molecular tool improve the effectiveness of radiotherapy?

Cancer types:

General cancer research

Project period:

Research institute:

L'Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale, Strasbourg

Award amount:




Gertraud Orend in her lab
Researcher Dr Gertraud Orend

Dr Orend and her team are using a new molecular tool to investigate whether targeting the molecules surrounding tumours could help to reduce the chance of cancer coming back after radiotherapy. 

Hope for the future

Radiotherapy is an important and effective cancer treatment. In the UK, over 100,000 courses of radiotherapy are given every year. But while radiotherapy is generally very good at eliminating cancer, for some people it can cause unwanted immune effects in the region targeted by treatment. These effects may encourage cancer to return later. 

If Dr Orend can find a way to block these troublesome immune effects, it could be the first step towards a new targeted treatment for patients undergoing radiotherapy treatment. 

Gertraud Orent and Team
Meet the scientist

Gertraud enjoys hiking and biking whenever possible. She also likes visiting art exhibitions, traveling around the world and painting. 

The science

Tumours tend to grow in 'nests' that are surrounded by a structure called the extracellular matrix. Although radiotherapy is very effective at killing tumour cells, it can also sometimes cause molecular changes in the matrix that reduce the effectiveness of immune cells in the area. This can be a problem, and may even sometimes encourage tumours to regrow. 

Dr Orend and her team are interested in one particular molecule that is highly present in the matrix that appears to control some of these changes, called tenascinC. The team has developed a special molecular tool called a ‘peptide’, which can interfere with interactions between tenascin-C and other molecules stimulating anti-tumor immunity. With funding from you, they now want to test this tool on models of breast tumours and tongue tumours in the lab, as these are both cancers that often need radiotherapy treatment. 

The aim is to find out if using this approach could help to activate immune cells in the matrix after radiotherapy, and reduce the risk of tumours coming back. If so, the researchers can then begin to design a targeted therapy for patients who need radiotherapy. 

I am very grateful to all Curestarters for supporting my research. Without your funding this research project would not be possible. 

Gertraud Orend in her lab
Dr Gertraud Orend

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