Edinburgh Kiltwalk 2024

Get into your stride at the Edinburgh Kiltwalk

The Kiltwalk is a family-friendly event, offering a range of distances:

  • Mighty Stride (20.5 miles)
  • Big Stroll (11.2 miles)
  • Wee Wander (4.6 miles)

Date: Sunday September 15, 2024
Location: Edinburgh
Distance: 20, 11 or 4 miles
Registration Fee: £20
Minimum fundraising target: Suggested £150

How to sign up:

  1. Apply for a free charity place for the Mighty Stride (20.5 miles) or buy your own place for the other distances (11.2 miles or 4.6 miles) place from the Kiltwalk website
  2. Let us know that you’d like to raise money for Worldwide Cancer Research by completing this online form.
  3. We will welcome you to Team Curestarter with our official supporter pack, packed with ideas and resources to help you kickstart your fundraising.

Read our event terms and conditions

Why walk with us?

All new treatments and cures for cancer start with discovery research. With your help, we can fund more pioneering research projects into any type of cancer, anywhere in the world. We won’t stop until cancer does.

How we support you

When you join Team Curestarter, you will receive:

  • A welcome pack, full of tips and fundraising advice
  • A free charity top
  • Unlimited support from our dedicated Events team

If you have any questions or would like further information please contact our events team on +44 (0) 300 777 7910 or email [email protected].

Do you have a place already?

If you already have your own place in the race and would like to support Worldwide Cancer Research, let us know. We’d love to have you in our team of Curestarters.


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